Saturday, July 14, 2012

Hey Friends and Family!

Hope all is well. As you may know, I am currently a Peace Corps Volunteer serving in Luapula Province, Zambia. This year, a group of volunteers are planning a girls’ camp in December called Camp G.L.O.W. (Girls Leading Our World), a program done by Peace Corps volunteers around the world. Our camp will take place on December 3rd-7th and is aimed at girls in grades 7 and 8 and addresses issues such as HIV/AIDS, women’s health, female empowerment, leadership skills and career planning. We also incorporate fun sessions such as arts and crafts, playing sports, sewing sanitary pads and making camp T-shirts.

In addition to a small grant, the majority of our camp is funded by in-kind donations, both from in-country as well as abroad. We are kindly requesting donations from family and friends in the states in order to help make this camp a great success! Here’s a list of some of the supplies that we are looking for:

-Craft supplies (beads for bracelets and necklaces, elastic string, pipe cleaners, fabric pens, puffy paint, supplies for t-shirt decorating, etc.)

-Toiletries (soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, hand sanitizer, lotion, combs for curly hair, sanitary pads, manicure kits)

-Sheets (10 sets)

-Notebooks, notepads and pens/pencils (35)

-Fun accessories (headbands, hair clips, hair elastics, plastic jewelry, etc.)

-Small purses or makeup bags (35)

-Lip gloss or nail polish (35)

-Plain white t-shirts (35-mostly sized small and medium)

-Socks and underwear (size small)

-Anything you think our camp participants would enjoy!!

Due to the postal system in Zambia, you MUST send these packages out by the end of September at the very latest. Packages can be sent to:

Camp G.L.O.W. Luapula

c/o Ambrosia Kaui, PCV

Peace Corps Zambia

P.O. Box 710150

Mansa, Luapula, Zambia


If at all possible we are requesting that you also send a list of the contents of the package via e-mail so we can keep track of what is being sent and inform others of supplies that have already been donated.

In addition, we will also be accepting tax deductible monetary donations. Our grant is in the process of being approved by Peace Corps and should be available closer to the date of our camp. To donate, simply go to the Peace Corps website (, click on “Donate to Volunteer Projects,” and search by volunteer name (our project is under Kelly Devore). You can also view all the projects and search by country. As soon as our grant is approved, we will forward you a direct link to our project page.

Thank you so much for all of your support! We are looking forward to hearing from you and will keep you updated on all of our work here in Zambia.


Camp G.L.O.W. Luapula